Come fare per


  • Fotocopie
  • Riproduzioni fotografiche
  • Fornitura documenti (Document Delivery)
  • Riproduzioni per scopi scientifici o commerciali
cover of Photoreproductions

Within the Library you can make photocopies using two self-service machines. They only provide photocopies in A4 format, in black and white.
In order to photocopy, it is necessary to ask the library staff for authorization in advance: authorization is granted by giving the user a card, which must be returned to the librarians when the work is finished.
In order to photocopy, you need to purchase a rechargeable card from the vending machine. The blank card is priced at 50 cents. Each photocopy costs 10 cents. This card is the same used in all the other libraries of Settore Biblioteche Comunali.
Users are reminded that the photocopying of works is permitted for personal and study purposes only and in accordance with current copyright and author's rights legislation (law number 248 of the 18th of August 2000).
In particular, as stated in Article number 2.2.: "Reproduction for personal use of original works by photocopying is allowed within 15% of each volume or issue of a periodical, excluding advertising pages".
Works that are no longer commercially available may be photocopied without the limitations described above.

Works excluded from photocopying
In any case, all manuscripts, prints and drawings are excluded from photocopying, even if they are bound in a volume. The other works that are excluded from photocopying are the printed works that are considered antique, that are the works published before 1831, the works in a precarious state of preservation or that may be damaged by the operation, the rare works or those of particular bibliographic value, the works (including folded plates) of a format larger than 37 cm (therefore most newspapers) and of a thickness greater than 6 cm and the graduation thesis.
For works that cannot be photocopied, it is still possible to request the photographic reproduction, to be carried out with one's own means or using the internal service for a fee of document delivery. The graduation thesis can not be reproduced in any way.

The photographic reproduction by own means
According to current legislation (Law number 124 of the 4th August 2017, article 1, paragraph 171, which partially modifies the article 108 of the Legislative Decree number 42 of 2004), reproductions of bibliographic and archival assets are free only for non-profit-making activities of study, research, free expression of thought or creative expression, promotion of knowledge of the cultural heritage.
The free reproduction is carried out in compliance with the current copyright legislation (Law number 633 of the 22nd April 1941 and subsequent modifications) and with the exception of the archival belongings that are subjected to restrictions on their access to the public.
The photographic shoot must be taken in compliance with the legal provisions in such a way as not to cause damage to the document: it is therefore not allowed to use a stand table, tripod or other type of trestle, flash, lamps, watermark reading lamps, Wood's lamps, scanners and any other instrument that involves contact with the document.
Images of cultural goods which have been legitimately acquired may be divulged by any means, so that they can not be further reproduced for profit.
The procedures of request for remote reproductions, the reproductions for editorial purposes and the requests of reproduction for study purposes made at the premises by those who do not intend to use their own media, remain unchanged.

The Document Delivery
It is possible to request digital reproductions of the documents of the Archiginnasio Library through the internal service for a fee. Under no circumstances will photocopies be provided.
Reproductions can be requested by contacting the Library staff or by sending a written request writing to the mail address

The request must indicate the details of the work that must be reproduced, the classification, the number of pages you want and your contacts (telephone number and email address).
If the work is part of the collections of the Department of Manuscripts, Rare Books, Drawings and Prints, you must use the appropriate form that is available online.
The library will provide an estimate and the reproductions (jpg files, with watermark) will be sent via email within two weeks of the payment of the amount indicated.
If the reproduction is requested for scientific, commercial or personal purposes without the watermark, it is necessary to attach the authorization for publication.

Reproductions for scientific or commercial purposes
In order to reproduce documents that will be used both for scientific and commercial purposes, it is necessary to obtain the permission from the Library management.
The authorization is granted by the management, following with discretion the criteria and rates of the national legislation concerning the cultural heritage.
The requests should be made using the form available in the office of the secretariat, in the Reading Room, in the Reference Room, in the Manuscripts and Rare Books Room or online.