The registration of loans is possible from Monday to Friday until 6:30 p.m. and on Saturday until 1:30 p.m.
You can also use the drop box to return materials anytime.
Beware that the distribution of books ends at 6 p.m. from Monday to Friday and at 1 p.m. on Saturday.

To use the loan service, you must be registered in one of the libraries of the Settore Biblioteche del Comune di Bologna and present your card at the time of the request.
All residents and domiciles in the national territory can apply for the card.
Minors must submit the appropriate authorization form signed by a parent.
Once you have registered, you can immediately request books on loan.
The loan of books of the Archiginnasio
Request the book at the Distribution Desk and contact the Lending Service, where the automated lending procedures will be carried out.
You can borrow up to 6 works (for a maximum of 10 volumes).
The duration of the loan is 30 days. You can get two extensions of 15 days from the expiration date.
If the book has been booked by other users, it is not possible to get extensions.
Loan of books from other Italian or foreign public libraries (interlibrary loan)
The works excluded from loan
The exclusion of a work from the loan is intended to guarantee the best preservation and, therefore, the maximum availability, even in the future, for all the interested readers. The works that are excluded from the loan are:
- The manuscripts
- The graduation thesis
- The editions published before 1961
- The periodicals, both bound and in loose files
- The brochures
- Miscellaneous and polygraphic collections
- Works belonging to the local section (classification 17 and 17*)
- Works belonging to other libraries and received for purchase, bequest, donation or storage, with consultation clause at headquarters, or in any case with ex libris, handwritten notes of possession or with an inscription
- Exhibition catalogues, works with loose or out-of-print plates, art editions, precious editions or with typographical peculiarities (numbered copies of limited editions, volumes with fine bindings, volumes with loose attachments such as maps, etc,), works of singular bibliographic relevance in relation to the specificity and integrity of the collections
- Drawings, prints, photographs and loose or in volume maps
- Reference works including dictionaries, encyclopaedias, bibliographical and cataloguing repertories and, in general, all the volumes placed in the Reference Room or Reading Room
- Volumes in need of binding, restoration or in precarious conditions of preservation
- The works in process of bibliographic treatment or reorganization
- The works with classification A.R.P.E.
- Any other material that the Management deems to exclude from the loan
The authorization to lend works which are normally excluded shall exceptionally be granted on compilation of a special form, which will be examined by the Director or the person in charge of the Distribution and Lending Service, as anticipated by the article 17 of the Regulations of the Archiginnasio Library (approved by resolution of the City Council number 8155/85 of the 6th of March 1985), and subsequent provisions established by the Director of the Library.
In particular:
- The requests for loans of normally excluded volumes must be made in writing, filling in all parts of the form provided for this purpose
- All users - as well as employees - are required to provide only the necessary data for the forwarding of the request to the Lending Service staff
- The authorisation shall be communicated to the user within two days of the date of the request.
Loan for exhibitions
Rules for the temporary loan of works of art and documents for exhibitions in Italy and abroad.