Archiginnasio busts
Busts placed in the old school classrooms, now transformed into book stores, to celebrate the donors of the civic library.

Francesco Mondini (Bologna 1786 - 1844)
He was a physician and professor at the Bolognese Studio. He gave the anatomical manuscript written by Mondino de' Liuzzi to the Archiginnasio Library. The personal Papers and the documentation that refer to the occupational activity are kept in Giovanni Antonio, Francesco and Carlo Mondini special book collection of the Archiginnasio Library. Paolo Aleotti, plaster cast, second half of the 19th century.

Luigi Galvani (Bologna 1737 - 1798)
He was physician, scientist and professor of anatomy at the Bolognese Studio. Anonymous, plaster cast, first half of the 19th century.

Giovanna (Giannina) Milli (Teramo 1825 - Firenze 1888)
She was a poet and Countess Maria Teresa Serego Allighieri Gozzadini's friend. Giannina Milli's letters and poems are kept in Gozzadini's Papers special book collection and in "Da Schio" of the Archiginnasio Library. Bernardo Bernardi, marble, second half of the 19th century.

Gaetano Oppizzoni (Milano 1768 - ivi 1849)
He was the archpriest of the Cathedral of Milan and Carlo Oppizzoni's brother. The documentation which refers to Oppizzoni's family is kept in Oppizzoni's Papers special book collection of the Archiginnasio Library. Anonymous, marble, half of the 19th century.

Marcello Malpighi (Crevalcore 1628 - Roma 1694)
He was a biologist, physician and professor of anatomy at the Bolognese Studio. Anonymous, plaster cast, first half of the 19th century.

Carlo Oppizzoni (Milano 1769 - Bologna 1855)
He was the archibishop of Bologna and the promoter of the relocation of the public library in the Archiginnasio Palace. The documentation concerning Opizzoni's family is kept in "Opizzoni's Papers" special book collection of the Archiginnasio Library. Cincinnato Baruzzi, marble, (around 1844)

Maria Teresa Serego Allighieri Gozzadini (Verona 1812 - Bologna 1881)
Nobildonna, moglie del conte Giovanni Gozzadini. Documentazione proveniente dall'archivio personale della contessa è conservata nei fondi speciali Gozzadini, Maria Teresa Serego Allighieri Gozzadini e Carte Gozzadini e Da Schio della Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio.Salvino Salvini, marmo, seconda metà sec. XIX

Mauro Tesi (Modena 1730 - Bologna 1766)
Pittore quadraturista.Anonimo, gesso, prima metà sec. XIX

Giacomo Tommasini (Parma 1769 - 1890)
He was a physician and professor of Clinical Medicine at the Bolognese Studio. Massimiliano Putti, plaster cast, second half of the 19th century.

Luigi Canina (Casale Monferrato 1795 - Firenze 1856)
He was an archaeologist and architect. Santo Varni, marble, 1877.

Matteo Venturoli (Bologna 1775 - 1860)
Medico, bibliofilo e collezionista. In seguito alla sua donazione, il fondo librario Venturoli è conservato nella Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio.Cincinnato Baruzzi, marmo, prima metà sec. XIX